Welcome to the Off Kilter Kilts webpage!
Check the event calendar to see where you can find us next!
There are currently no plans to reopen a physical location. There are a variety of reasons for this, but they all boil down to time and money. The pandemic has taught us a number of lessons, including that we can provide our services without needing to pay rent to a landlord.
Our phone number is 626-817-9999, and we’re happy to take your call. Please note, J.T. has found steady employment, so he might not always be able to pick up – please leave a voice message, text, email, or message us on a social account (@offkilterkilts FB, TW, IG) and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We are happy to do video consultations by appointment.

Please join ourĀ Facebook Group (Clan Off Kilter) to keep up-to-date with OKK news!
We carry kilts fromĀ Versatta Kilts, Sport Kilt, and StumpTown as well as all the accessories you need to go kilting in style. We feature work by local artisans Mythica Metalworks, Hooks and Chains, Wood, Stone, Leather, and Bone, and Puzzled Pets, with more on the way!
Looking for your tartan? Check out our page on available tartans– if it’s not there, give us a call or send us a message. We can get pretty much any tartan that is in production, but it’s more complicated than the website can handle.
Don’t miss the Clan Off Kilter tartan, our very own tartan:
Thanks for letting us help you find #LibertyFromPants!
Our mailing address is PO Box 800531, Santa Clarita, CA 91380-0531.
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